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Collaborative Card Game - Dungeon Crawler

A foray into 'serious game' design

Responsible for All

The Problem

By definition, serious games are attempting to address a problem and may often reach for studies and sources of inspiration outside the field of game design to achieve their goal. So for the sake of our academic friends, lets establish our claims:

In online video game lobbies, competitive environments serve as a petri dish for negative behaviors. Implementing intentional game design that rewards collaborative play and teamwork will result in an overall more positive experience and passively enforce collaborative behaviors continuing after the conclusion of the game session. 

  • Context: Online Video Game Lobbies

  • Subject: Selfish Gameplay, Toxic self-reliance

  • Claim: By basing metrics of success on mutual collaboration gamers will more readily collaborate to see the number go up.



"Rewriting the Rules of Engagement: Elaborating a Model of District-Community Collaboration" by ANN M. ISHIMARU

What This Means for Me: I need to establish clear rules of engagement as a general purpose for how players will interact with elements of the game world. They'll need to know in what order, and to whom they should interact with and when. A central leadership figure will lack the necessary bottom up knowledge to help. By understanding each 'engagement' teammates can identify when one and other are struggling and provide pointers through an in place system of pings and pre-embedded suggestions.


Renee Guarriello Heath & Lawrence R. Frey (2004) Ideal Collaboration: A Conceptual Framework of Community Collaboration, Annals of the International Communication Association, 28:1, 189-231, DOI: 10.1080/23808985.2004.11679036

What This Means for Me: This framework is mostly to serve as an organizational method; however, I can retool the matrix and how it is formatted in order to build an interaction web for each role and how roles may combo off of each other. The variables that control how the combo's fire would also contribute to the metrics measured to determine collaboration


Gameplay Tutorial

cardBreakdown_Card Examples.png

Components of Play


  • The Architect (pick 1 of 3)

    • The Cruel - Might, Mobility​

    • The Cunning - Might, Mind

    • The Cheat - Magic, Mind

  • The Explorers (Pick 4 of 5)

    • The Bold - Might, Mobility (P: +10 HP)

    • The Brilliant - Magic, Mind (P: +1 Hand Size)

    • The Brazen - Mobility, Mind (P: +2 Mobility)

    • The Brave - Might, Mind (P: On Exhaust, shuffle instead (1 per encounter))

    • The Boisterous - Magic, Might (P: -10% Shop costs)

Exhaust: Numerical Cost of card, the more powerful the higher the Exhaust​​​​


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